keywordWhat is the keyword
Target user
LocationWhat is the location

It chooses from the city

  • Northwest end




    Southeast end




    【 How to use the map 】

    Specifying ranges with mouse operation

    ①Click on the map, and drag the marker.


    Specifying ranges from a marker

    ①Click a base point on the map, and input distance from a base point in a 'ranges from a marker' box.

NDC classificationWhat is the NDC classification

It chooses from the classification table

It chooses from the classification table


【 Search condition preservation 】

1. Preservation method

First to display the Detailed Search screen ( link ) to set the search condition.

Then click the Save Settings button on the search screen.

Then, a screen prompting you to enter the search condition name will appear,Please register with any name.

This registration is complete. It should be noted that the registration of the search conditions can be up to 3 patterns.

2. How to call the saved settings

First to display the Detailed Search screen ( link ), and select the search conditions you want to call from the pull-down menu, and click the "Set read" button.

Then, read the registration information that is set in the details on the screen, for search.


【 Keyword 】

You can search by specifying a keyword. You can also search to specify more than two.

[ AND Search ] … Please separate the keywords with a space. Space does not distinguish between full-width or half-width.

[ OR Search ] … Please separate the keywords with " | ". " | " does not distinguish between full-width or half-width.

[ NOT Search ] … Please separate the keywords with " ! ". " ! " does not distinguish between full-width or half-width.

[ Input of phrase ] … Please enclose the phrase in halg-width " " ".


【 Location 】

"It chooses from the city name" … If you click, the city name check box will be displayed. Please check the appropriate municipality name.


【 NDC classification 】

"NDC (Nippon Decimal Classification)" classifies knowledge from the content, and represented using 3 digits numbers.

"It chooses from the classification table"… If you click, it is displayed the classification designation screen. In a separate window, Specify more than one (OR search only) you can.

"Delete button"… If you click, you can delete the object of the NDC classification.
